Meeting of the Focus Group of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace within the framework of the ERASMUS+ project:
“Boosting health literacy for school students (BLISS)“

On Monday 06 February 2023, the meeting of the Project Focus Group within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Project entitled: " Boosting health literacy for school students (BLISS)" was held in the meeting room of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

The European BLISS project aims to provide the tools to find, analyze and understand health news, contributing to the development of "Digital Health Literacy" in Europe through training, documentation and experimentation actions in the school sector. 350 teachers and 7000 secondary school students will participate in the program. All the results of the project will be available on the website of the project https://www.blissproject.eu/ and EM-Th RDE:  https://pde.mysch.gr/index.php/el/

In the BLISS project, the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Upper Macedonia-Thrace participates as a partner from Greece. The project also involves the Assiociazione Cittadinanzattiva Onlus and the European Grants International Academy from Italy, the Technical University of Munich from Germany, the Inspectoratul scolar judetean Iasi from Romania, the Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions from Belgium and Frederick University from Cyprus.

The meeting of the Focus Group of the Regional Directorate of Education with 7 teachers of different specialties and from different school units aimed to reach a common possible vision about the digital skills that need to be developed to increase the digital health of students. Participants had the opportunity to receive a presentation of the project and the DigComp framework. From the discussion that followed with those in charge of the European programs of the Regional Directorate of Education, the first elements for the definition of the framework of the plan were recorded.